Mandy Markowski
Mandy is a Customer Service Assistant at the One Stop Shop in Sutton from where her nomination came. She is well known and liked by her customers due to her very cheerful disposition and the way in which she makes time to chat to all her customers. She clearly loves her job and has worked at the store for many years enabling her to establish an excellent relationship with lots of people. During our “mystery shop” it was obvious who Mandy was before introductions were made. Customers enjoy her banter and making them feel like they are an individual. To quote a nominee “I always come out with a smile on my face after being served by Mandy!”
Steve Smith
Store Manager at the Coop Shops in Burwell, Steve loves his job and cares about the whole community, being involved in most community projects within the village, including the Good Eggs Awards, the Carnival, helping restore the Food Bank during the pandemic (as the church was closed), Neighbourhood Watch and working with many of the community groups including Burwell Print. With the pressures of running two stores Steve seems to make this sound easy, and has a great relationship with his staff at both stores. Steve has a facebook page called “Steves Community News” which he uses to communicate good news and spread the word on all things nice going on in Burwell. A genuinely caring person he strives to make sure his customers and colleague are treated well and feel special.