Charity of the Year 2019

Ely Hero Awards 2019 are delighted to announce that our chosen Charity for this year is Fen House Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit in Ely!

Why have we chosen Fen House?

Ely Hero Awards is committed to celebrating and rewarding amazing people in the Community of Ely and District. Through the awards and the support we are given by local businesses, we pledge each year to donate any residue funds to assist a small local charity.

Fen House provides high quality intensive assessment and rehabilitation service for adults with an acquired brain injury to support them to regain many of the abilities they may have lost as a result of their injury. They have a full clinical team consisting of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Speech and Language Therapists to assist with long term recovery.

After paying a visit to their facilities and appreciating firsthand what an amazing place Fen House is, we are delighted to support them in any way we can with funds, awareness and exposure in the community and any wider reach Ely Hero Awards has through our Media Partners.

What is Fen House Raising Funds for?

Coming from hospital into a rehab environment can feel restricting, so the Unit wants to improve the existing outdoor living area to give people a sense of making greater progress with their rehabilitation and has thus put a project plan into place to create an Outdoor Gym area.

This will help normalise activity such as being outside on a bike. Create an extension of the existing indoor gym area. The equipment would build strength, flexibility, stamina and cardio fitness. Outdoor fitness also brings a range of health benefits.

If you would like more information on Fen House and The Disabilities Trust see:

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